Research in the Biostatistics Section

Our research is focused on simultaneous inference, and in particular their application in the agricultural sciences, life sciences and genetics. We try not only to develop new methodological approaches, but the associated algorithms as R packages in CRAN. We process deepened sub-themes in the EU FP-7 project, "Embryonic stem cell-based Novel Alternative Testing Strategies, ESNATS" and the DFG-project "Parametric and non-parametric simultaneous inference in complex designs. "

Completed projects

  • Simultaneous confidence intervals for non-parametric effects in factorial models

    DFG H01687/9-1, Joint project with the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

  • Simultaneous comparisons for quotients of normally distributed mean values with applications in the life sciences

    FG-BR 2202/1&2

    1. Bretz F, Hothorn LA and Hsu JC (2003): Identifying effective and/or safe doses by stepwise confidence intervals for ratios. Statistics in Medicine 22, 847-857.

    2. Hothorn LA and Bauss F (2004): Biostatistical design and analyses of long-term animal studies simulating human postmenopausal osteoporosis. Drug Information Journal 38 (1): 47-56

    3. Dilba G, Bretz F, Guiard V, Hothorn LA (2004): Simultaneous confidence intervals for ratios with application to the comparison of several treatments with a control. Methods of Information in Medicine 43, 465-469.

    4. Strassburger K, Bretz F and Hochberg Y (2004): Compatible confidence intervals for intersection union tests involving two hypothesis. In: Recent developments in multiple comparison procedures (editors: Benjamini, Y., Bretz, F., and Sarkar). Lecture Notes - Monograph Series 47: 129-142, Institute of Mathematical Statistics.

    5. Bretz F (2004): Planung und Auswertung von Dosis-Wirkungs-Studien unter Verwendung von multiplen Testprozeduren. Habilitationsschrift an der Abteilung Biometrie, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover.

    6. Dilba G (2005): Simultaneous Inference for Ratios of Location Parameters. Promotionsschrift am Fachbereich Gartenbau der Universität Hannover.

    7. Dilba G, Bretz F, Hothorn LA, Guiard V (2006a): Power and sample size computations in simultaneous tests for non-inferiority based on relative margins. Statistics in Medicine 25 (7): 1131-1147

    8. Dilba G, Bretz F, Guiard V (2006b): Simultaneous confidence sets and confidence intervals for multiple ratios. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 36 (8): 2640–2658

    9. Hothorn LA (2006): Statistical analysis of in vivo anti cancer experiments: Tumor growth inhibition. Drug Information Journal 40: 229-238

    10. Frömke C (2006): Relevance-shifted tests for high dimensional data with small sample sizes. Promotionsschrift an der naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Hannover.
  • Biological safety of genetically modified plants

    Biometric methods for the quantitative proof of safety for non-target organisms, resistance factors and specific ingredients in the cultivation of genetically modified plants in field trials

    BMBF project/BMBF funding programme


  • Pallmann P (2013): Bernd-Streitberg Preis, Deutsche Region der IBS
  • Gerhard D, Zimmermann H, Hothorn LA (2010): Erster Preis der Pharma Technik
  • Schaarschmidt F (2007): Bernd-Streitberg Preis, Deutsche Region der IBS


PD Dr. rer. hort. Frank Schaarschmidt
Research Staff
Herrenhäuser Straße 2
30419 Hannover
Herrenhäuser Straße 2
30419 Hannover